Underage Kids Parties Bus Hire

GOPARTYBUS is Popular option for Underage ragers! Whether is be a 9th, 10th,11th, 12th,13th, 14th, 15th,16th or 17th birthday party Hiring GOPARTYBUS will make for a memorable one!
We have successfully transferred 100’s of Underage tours over the years and are first choice for these birthday tours!
For young kids & teens the party bus is perfect for boys & girls to celebrate their birthday. On Go Party Bus, the music is loud, the lights are flashing, the kids are dancing & having a great time. Whether you’re looking for a transfer to a venue or just looking to stay on board- there’s plenty of fun to be had!
Popular tours are:
Pick the group up any day or time of the week the Go Party Bus is waiting! Cruise down the coast, stop and kings park for some photos, dependent on time hired for why not stop order some pizza for the kids and then hop back on for some more dancing and fun! We can stop anywhere other popular stops are Fremantle beach, time zone, McDonalds, Movies, Hillarys boat harbour. Where ever or whatever Go Party Can be tailored to suit!
Pick the group take the group to a destination or return to place of pick up - Popular places are Bounce in Cannington, local shopping centers for movies, McDonalds, time zone, Kings Park and local park etc!
Obviously choosing GOPARTYBUS for your next kids party means you will benefit from being on board Perth’s best party bus!